Delhi State Booksellers' and Publishers' Association came into being by force of circumstances. It was as early as 1942 (during the II World War) when the Government of India promulgated an ordinance called "Antiprofiteering" ordinance. Under this ordinance the trade people were allowed just 15% margin of profit, over the landed cost.
This provision very adversly, affected traders, more so those trader who were NOT direct importers, but got their requirements locally from importers. This was particularly difficult in items of stationery in which some booksellers dealt with defaulters, very strictly and severely. To face this situation it was found emergent to get together and form some sort of joint body. As a result, to start with, just a few Booksellers like Oxford Book & Stationery Co., New Book Depot, E.D.Galgotia, S.Chand & Co., Dhomimal Ramchand etc., got together. Mr. P.J.Vachani was the first convenor and to start with, meetings were arranged in his house in Connaught Circus. Later on meeting were being arranged in the business premises.
Thus, just a handful of people started the Association. When it came to making it a regular Association with its constitution, memoranda etc. it was felt that business people dealing in stationery exclusively should be separated from Booksellers and they should form a separate "Stationers' Association".
Thus, came into being the "Delhi State Booksellers' Association", with just about half a dozen members or so, Mr. Sital Primlani having being appointed its first President, with an Executive Committee to help him. Once the body was formed, it started growing stronger and stronger by the relentless efforts and sincere hard work of the members. More and more booksellers seeing the useful work the Association was doing, started joining the Association. Then came the Partition of India. Many Booksellers flocked into Delhi and booksellers like The English Book Store, Rama Krishna & Sons, and scores of others joined the Association.
It was felt later that "Publishers" should also be clubbed along with the booksellers; more so as some of the booksellers were also engaged in publishing business. Thus the name "Delhi State Booksellers' & Publishers' Association" came into existence. A Constitution and Memorandum was framed and the Association which started with a handful of members has since grown and now has over 500 members, and is doing extremely good work.