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Membership to DSBPA is open to anyone connected with the Book Industry provided he/she fulfills the following requirements:

  • A Membership Application Form duly filled.
  • Two DSBPA Members as PROPOSER and for SECONDER.
  • A current passport size photograph of the main applicant.
  • A self-attested true copy of the Income Tax PAN Card & Aadhar Card.
  • Proof of Purchase and sale made by the applicant in the form of copy of purchase & sale invoice.
  • A cheque in favour of DSBPA for Rs. 4000/- (Rs. 2000/- as Admission Fee and Rs. 2000/- as Annual Membership Fee).

The Application form alongwith supporting documents have to be sent to the DSBPA Secretariat. Thereafter, the application is sent for scrutiny to the DSBPA’s Membership Screening Committee. The Committee scrutinizes the applications and suggests objections and/or recommendations for Membership to the full meeting of the Executive Committee, which after deliberation, reserves the right to accept/reject the Membership Application without assigning any reason.