Welcome to the Annual General Meeting of the Delhi State Booksellers and Publishers Association (DSBPA). I take immense pride in presenting the 74th Annual Report of our association, reflecting on our accomplishments and setting the course for the future.
1. Executive Committee Meetings : During this year we were able to hold five executive committee meetings which were held at DSBPA secretariat.
2. Enrolment of Members: During this year we have enrolled twelve new members in our family and We welcome all of them.
3. Formation of Sub-Committees: A number of Sub-Committees were formed during the course of the year. All Sub-Committees met from time to time as per requirement of DSPA members. The meetings conducted by the Chairman of the Sub-Committees were conducted in a Professional manner and decisions were made after due consultations with the members of the respective committees.The President and Secretary were the ex-officio members of each committee.
4. New Delhi World Bookfair : New Delhi World Book Fair in 2025 : It was a significant topic of discussion in a recent meeting, where the executive committee deliberated extensively. Notably, Mr. Anil Mittal representing Bio-Green Books, and Mr. K K Saxena from Aakar Books, along with other members, proposed that stalls allocated to prominent publishers should be strategically placed in corners to attract maximum foot traffic, allowing small-scale publishers more visibility. Moreover, suggestions were put forth to ensure adequate amenities such as Wi-Fi accessibility, lifts, and other necessary provisions. Consequently, a meeting was organised with Mr. Yuvraj Malik and all the above suggestions were conveyed to him. Mr. Yuvraj Malik was indeed instrumental in organizing one of the best, New Delhi World book fair in 2024.
Team DSBPA is regularly in touch with Lt. Col. Yuvraj Malik, Director NBT. Several meeting was held with Lt. Col. Yuvraj Malik, Director , NBT to discuss the issues faced during 2024 new delhi world book fair. Lt. Col Yuvraj Malik assured that the problems faced earlier by the participants will not be repeated. Further, we requested to allot a complimentary stall at – NDWBF, 2025, in the name of DSBPA, which he agreed.
In one of the meetings with Lt. Col. Yuvraj Malik, Director, NBT, the team DSBPA requested the director that under your able leadership a series of successful bookfairs have been organized namely Pune, Srinagar, Delhi etc. therefore, team DSBPA requested him to organize bookfair outside India like they do in London, Frankfurt bookfair etc. To which he suggested that if there will be minimum 50 participants from our members side, they would be able to arrange all facilities.
5. Engagement with Postal Department and IPHO : One of our Executive Committee members Mr. Deepanshu Jhari (Sharda Prakashan) has raised the issue of non-acceptance of Book Parcels and Regd. Post at- Darya Ganj post office. It was decided to arrange one meeting with Director General (Post Office) to raise and resolve this issue as early as possible because most of our members are facing problem for sending their parcels. A letter will be sent by Publications Committee in due course of time.
6. Matter regarding issuance of ISBN : There were complaints regarding delays in the allocation of ISBN (International Standard Book Number). The secretary addressed the matter by informing the house that the delay was a result of the ongoing upgrade of the issuance website. He assured the attendees that the issue has been successfully resolved, and ISBNs are now being allocated without any further delays under his supervision or management.
7. Matter regarding Book Submission at Samagra Shiksha Haryana : The secretary informed the house that Samagra Shiksha’ Haryana is in the process of cancelling the submission. The matter is still pending with the higher authorities of the department. As soon as, we get any kind of information, the same will be circulated among our members.
8. Matter regarding Books Purchase at Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation Kolkata : The discussion regarding the books purchase for the Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation in Kolkata concluded with a decision to initiate the process by drafting a letter to the newly appointed director. The purpose of this letter is to prompt and commence the procurement of books for the library. This step was likely taken to inform the new director about the need and urgency to begin purchasing books for the library's collection. The aim is to kick-start the acquisition process and ensures the availability of diverse and relevant reading materials for the patrons of the Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation in Kolkata.
9. Matter regarding MCD Notice : Our members complaints regarding the notice received from MCD for the Display Board. It was suggested to send a letter to the competent authority and get the clarification regarding the board display/facia in front of the offices.
10. Matter regarding Empanel document issued by Punjab Agricultural University : The email from Bio-Green Books regarding Punjab Agricultural University was discussed, and it was decided to send a letter to the appropriate authority to request amendments to the unethical clauses in the Expression of Interest (EOI) document.
11. Matter regarding Empanel document issued by Regarding Ranchi University : The email from Aditya Books Pvt. Ltd. regarding Ranchi University was discussed, and it was decided to send a letter to the appropriate authority to request amendments to the unethical clauses in the Expression of Interest (EOI) document.
12. Matter regarding thefts at Ansari Road and meetings with DCP and SHO Ansari Road : A letter has been sent to the Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) and the competent authority regarding the recent thefts at Ansari Road. The letter likely reports the incidents and requests their attention and action to address the issue. Consequently office bearers of DSBPA had a meeting with SHO, Daryaganj to discuss the matter. The SHO assured the members that they shall take immediate steps to increase patrolling at Ansari road and Daryaganj area.
13. Matter regarding empanelment documents issued by Central University of Andhra Pradesh & Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University : An email was received from Aditya Books Pvt. Ltd.,Technical Bureau India Pvt. Ltd and Satyam Books Pvt. Ltd. regarding Central University of Andhra Pradesh & Indira Gandhi National Tribal University and the matter was discussed at length. It was unanimously decided to escalate the matter and send a strong letter to the concerned department at the aforementioned Universities to urge them to amend unethical clauses in the Expression of Interest (EOI) document.
05.10.2024 Chander Mani Gosain