Presentation of Annual Accounts by
at the 74th AGM held on 5th October 2024
President Shri Kartik Raj Kushvah & Friends,
It gives me great pleasure in presenting before you the audited accounts of the Association for the year ending March 31, 2024. These have been unanimously approved by the Executive Committee in its meeting held on 7/9/2024.
The various heads in the Balance Sheet are normal and explanations, wherever required have been given by our auditors, M/s. P S Gupta & Associates.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the Office Bearers and members of the Executive Committee for their support from time to time during the year.
The current financial position of DSBPA is as follows:
Total FDR’s Rs 11,75,846 as on 31.3.2024.
My sincere thanks also go to our esteemed members for their timely contribution towards Annual Subscription. They deserve great appreciation for their cooperation.
Thanks and Regards
Shubham Jain